Monday, December 29, 2008

Yumi is back new and improved

Yup....Yumi is back new and improved ^^! More tricks and fatter.

Now it can
1. Roll over
2. Stay wher it is when thers food in front of it and not eat it

Yumi's a pup in training...and you know what??
When my bro goes out....the pup follow him until the door and then wait ther until he come back. Just sitting ther so bored and lonely. Pity the poor pup! Wait there until sleep zZ!!
When my bro come back, the minute he come back, Yumi just like to run around and oso bite him~~! Hahaha^^!

Chapter 2


Blaha! New Year is coming soon ^.^! Followed by school AGAIN! Holidays pass de jiang kuai :'(
Well, anyway thatz life.

(P/S...I'll put more Yumi pictures here (hopefully) ^^!)
See some of ya soon..real soon!

I also would like to wish you all a

Good day^^!

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